Loxostege aeruginalis
A Pannon régió egyik ritka lepkéje a Mecsekben és a Villányi-hegységben. Első példányait a Mecsekben találták meg.
A Loxostege aeruginalis (Hübner, 1796) földrajzi elterjedése
és habitatpreferenciája a Pannon-régióban
(Microlepidoptera: Crambidae, Pyraustinae)
ABSTRACT: [The geographical distribution and habitatpreferens of the Loxostege aeruginalis (Hübner, 1796)
in Pannon Regions. (Microlepidoptera: Crambidae, Pyraustinae)] – Continuing with the earlier researches the
author critically analyses the detailed spreading of the species in Pannon Region. Structure of genitalia and
morphological characteristic of wings are illustrated by figures. He analyses the habitats and the Pannon
Region distribution of the species. He demonstrates the boundaries of the area on maps. He presents correlation
relationship between the places of occurrence and the floral zones.
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